It's time to learn more English out of school, that's why here you have a blog to practice English by doing more exercises, watching videos, reading articles, etc.
-ed or –ing adjectives
Many people are worried about how much TV children watch
1. We use -ed adjectives to describe how people feel.
2. We use -ing adjectives to describe the thing, situation, place or person that causes the feeling.
Check this link and do the exercise which is at the bottom of the page. Copy it on a Word Document and send it to me.
-What do you know about cloning?
-Do you know who was Dolly?
Watch this conference called Human cloning: why is there a fuss? By Lee Silver (Princeton University- Molecular/ Biology & Public Affairs Professor), then post a comment answering the following questions and comment someone else opinion, check my example.
Should human cloning be banned? What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? And Why?
To have more ideas about cloning check this article and this video from Discovery Channel:
Real world
Phrases to make offers, suggestions and requests
a) Making offers | b) Responding to offers |
Shall I make some posters? Can I give you a hand? I’ll help you, if you like. | Yes, that’d be great. Great, thanks a lot. Yes, why not? No, don’t worry. Thanks anyway. |
c) Making requests | d) Making suggestions |
Will you organize that? Could you give me a hand? Can you do that? | Shall we start? Let’s decide who does what. Why don’t we ask Steve? |
Here you are going to know what to do: the homework.